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On the road with the 4 Site Way - launching our Vision and Values

2024 got off to a flying start at 4 Site Security. On 8th January, we set off on the road for a two week roadshow to launch our Vision and Values – the 4 Site Way – to our colleagues.

For some weeks before the launch, lots of hard work had been undertaken by the senior team, such as writing statements, creating communications, presentations and videos, shopping around for promotional goods, and scheduling site visits. Everything was prepared and packed up; now how would our colleagues feel about the 4 Site Way?



Our roadshow team went out with a huge amount of enthusiasm, and they put in many hours and much dedication to reach our people. Going out on the road to client sites to launch the 4 Site Way was also an important opportunity for our back of house team to meet front line staff face-to-face.

The weather was cold, and often rather damp and dreary along the way, but this was in complete contrast to the warmest welcome and smiles received from clients and colleagues. The engagement of our staff with the new Vision and Values was even more amazing than we had anticipated.

Here is a selection of images from the roadshow. There are many more images of our wonderful staff on the roadshow for you to enjoy on our LinkedIn and Facebook pages.


Week one....


Week two....


This is just a taste of the feedback from the roadshow:

Our Managing Director Ashley Kirk summed up the event: “It was such an enjoyable and satisfying time meeting the people who embody our Vision and Values and to hear how passionate they are about embracing these in their work and partnerships. Travelling the 4 Site Way, successfully taking our business forward together into the future, depends on the commitment of our people, and it is absolutely clear that they have this in abundance. A huge thank you to everyone for their hard work and support.”